Celebrating half a century of the Aberystwyth Welsh Language Students’ Union

The first ever Welsh language Students’ Union is turning half a century this year, with an extensive celebration in Aberystwyth on Saturday 15th of June to mark this special occasion.

The Aberystwyth Welsh Language Students’ Union (UMCA) was founded in 1974 so that the voice of the University’s Welsh speaking students is represented.

Since then, the Union has played a key role in a number of campaigns such as establishing the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (the National Welsh (lang) College) and more recently, Achub Pantycelyn (Save Pantycelyn). There will be a unique opportunity on Saturday 15th between 15:30-16:30 to hear UMCA’s rich history in a Q&A session with former presidents from every decade.

As part of marking this special occasion, this year’s UMCA President, Elain Gwynedd, has organised an entire day of celebrations including:

  • Buffet for the former Presidents in the Hen Lew Du, the home of UMCA, of course.
  • Guided Tours around Pantycelyn between 13:00-15:00.
  • Q&A Session with former UMCA Presidents from every decade in Pantycelyn between 15:30-16:30.
  • Then to top it all off, UMCA 50 Festival up in Undeb Aberystwyth with Mynediad am Ddim, who are also celebrating 50 years this year, Dros Dro, Cyn Cwsg and Mei Emrys.

Whilst talking about the celebrations, Elain Gwynedd, the Welsh Culture Officer for Undeb Aber and UMCA President, said:

‘Were you a student in Aberystwyth? Did you live in Pantycelyn? Return to Aberystwyth for a special day of celebrating half a century of the mission’.

‘I have precious memories of my time as a member of UMCA so I can’t wait to start celebrating half a century of a special Union that, in all honesty, has made me who I am today.’

To order a ticket: Gwyl UMCA 50 (native.fm)



Dolenni defnyddiol

Elusen Gofrestredig

Undeb Myfyrwyr Aberystwyth #1150576